Ewoolution is a blog about us; Raffael and Allison set off to drive around Europe the next few months in the search of nice lines to climb, to ride, to walk, to slack and to share.
Ewoolution is our solution to share with the rest of you what we do, what we learn and let it Evolve.
So take your foot off the pedal, relax and Enjoy!
Ewoolution is back on the road after a summer of settling down in a house in Switzerland. Tara is now 1 year old, she has her own bedroom in the driving cubicle of the van and we are ready for living on the road again. The house was a big change for us ; going from 10m2 to over 300m2 was a new world for us to adapt to and returning to the van felt like going back home. We started with Finale Ligure, part of our heart lays there, we always look forward to going back and meeting our old friends and making new ones. Tara felt very free and explored the town with or without us and she figured out very fast that Toni's cafe was the daily stop and where she could always get cookies ! Next stop was Ulassai, Sardinia. We were already there on a bolting trip last may with Tara in my tummy, good friends, good food, great fun and alot of bolting ! This year I want to climb what I was not able to do when I was pregnant last year so I am really motivated to get back in shape and enjoy climbing again. Raf is organising the first highline event in Ulassai called "Sardinia Highline Halloween". The idea is a meeting to discover the area, everyone brings their own gear and we see what happens ! The Halloween theme must have brought us bad luck because Ulassai got trapped in a creepy thick fog that lasted the whole weekend of the meeting, everyone always hoped for the next day to be better but the humidity stuck around, the wind was crazy and the highlines were not so appealing anymore but the group gathered some motivation and walked some lines to the great excitement of the school kids who were watching from the bottom of the canyon. As a highline meeting can never be without a party, the locals made sure everyone forgot about the weather by bringing their homemade liquors and cooked hunted meat and freshly picked porcini mushrooms. Thanks to the support of the town of Ulassai, Nannai, AustriAlpin and Landcruising we will for sure have a second round next year and hope to meet our friends there again, more people from sardinia and of course some sun !
This year in Ulassai, we are like a circus family, 2 families, one child/adult (we are not sure he is even potty trained yet) living in a van (his name is Klaas), a couple of italian hippies (one of them says he's a mountain guide in chamonix but considering his balance issues around the campsite, we are having doubts on his honesty..), a malgach franco tcheque couple whom found a new career in the music industry thanks to the « kaosilator », and the francision crew who surprised us with their arrival for the highline meeting. We are like family after 2 weeks living in a square of vans on the heights of Ulassai's « campo sportivo » and we seem to all check on each other and the kids love it ! We cannot speak of family without mentionning the guardians Molly and Sbam who feel their biggest responsibility is watching out for the kids and caring for their bones. We have now moved onto some vacational, family beachy time on the coast of sardinia and we are really enjoying letting the babies take in some vitamin D, running around butt naked, and our morning jump into the sea! We feel really lucky to be living this life, and though the world is constantly going through horrible events, we are hoping by living the way we do, we support as little as possible the geopolitical decision being made and which we feel so detached from. What I say may not make much sense but it reflects the unsensible meaning of all that is going on in the middle east, Europe, Russia, and which actually touches the whole world. Trying to make a difference in a local setting is all I feel we can do... treating our neighbor as our equal and standing up for ourselves as human, not as french, american, syrian, arabic, musulman, christian or other... the art of living being oneself without dictation from others seems to be the most problematic task of being human on earth. Keep it slack !